AFT.Desktop will not start and has produced errors.
Possible related causes
- AV blocking/removing files
- Network issue
- PC local issue
- .Net framework version issues
- Duplicate installs
- Updates 20240324 ATS Desktop App breaking changes requires uninstall and reinstall of all ATS desktop apps
How To uninstall and re-install all desktop apps
This is the easiest quickest way if errors prevent one or more desktop apps from running
How to uninstall AFT Desktop
- Uninstall AFT.Desktop
- Windows Start Add/Remove
- Browse to the app and select the menu "..."
- Click uninstall and click ok to the Popup windows
How to Install AFT.Desktop
- There are 2 ways to re-install
- Run the ATS Desktop Apps Installer
- Run the AFT.Desktop Download/Setup on its own:
- Select "AFT Desktop App" and click the green button to download:
- Run the Setup.exe
- AFT will start and run.
- You will need to login/accept the EULA